Oxygen for Chimborazo
The use of Oxygen in mountain climbing is a common fact, especially for climbs above 6000 m (19000 feet), nowadays, this practice has made climbs such as K2 and Everest a lot more feasible, with climbers paying sherpas exclusively to carry oxygen and providing the climbers body and condition, with more chances to reach the dreamed summit.
This is not a common practice in Ecuador, as our mountains are “fast mountains” this means that unlike other 6000 m peak, where you need several days trekking and climbing, adjusting to altitude, or else, it does not take days to reach basecamp or the starting point for the attack to the summit, we are privileged enough to drive to each refuge, where the climbs start.
For Example, Chimborazo has 2 refuges, we can drive all the way to the first refuge, Carrell is built at 4800 m (16000 feet) where most climbs currently starts, taking the Guargualla route, or longer route passing through the back of “El Castillo”(Ref Green Line)
Whymper refuge at 5000 m provides the starting point for the direct pass, thought “El Castillo” to continue to the Glacier.(Ref Red Line)

2018 was a great innovative year, where we accomplished to set up a successful high camp at 5300 m, this implies that we can cut the climb to half, and give a considerable heads start to our clients, where we start the trek at 10 am and walk up to the basecamp, where tents are set up, we have a kitchen tent there, that allows us to prepare meals, and warm-up prior the climb
the tents are 4 season tents same as used in high elevation camps, and the zone is safe from rock falls, also, this practice has enhanced the chances to reach the summit by 85% of success rate.
Climb Chimborazo with Oxigen.
Even though our first recommendation is to prepare yourself for the climb, physucally, mentally and also to addapt slowly to the altitude, we have found more and more clients willing to ensure the summit, this could be for personal reaosns or as a personal achievement, to reach the closest point from earth to the sun.
This 2020 we will be the first agency in Ecuador to offer this aid for the climb, where we are going to provide a tank of oxygen, to our clients to enhance their odds to reach the summit, unlike in Everest or other mountains, there is no risk of leaving trash behind, we are also a responsible tour operator so our goal is to take out all trash and waste from the mountain, to prevent ecological impact in Chimborazo.
Ecuador Eco Adventure is a Tour operator based in Riobamba the basecamp for Chimborazo, this is also in your advantage by booking with us, as you will be saving some hard valued dollars in comparison of booking from an agency in Quito or overseas.
Are you traveling alone, and looking for climbing companions? find other climbers in Riobamba, or Join one of our existing groups, find available dates here.
National Geographic channel mentions Ecuador Eco Adventure, for trekking and more, but check out our reviews on Trip Advisor, or in our Blog to see what our clients have to say.
Are you up for the adventure? Contact us: